Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Español 102

Español 102
Holla Jenna,

Me gusta usted Jenna. Usted es valiente y elegante. ¿Cuál es un hogar?


Tuesday, May 6, 2008

I was just thinking...

I was looking over the comments on one of my posts about the end of the year and was sad to see one about summers never really being the same.

I know that we've all grown older and our lives are changing. People say that school flies by quickly, and I would have to agree on that. However, people also like to say that these are the best times of your life. I wish not to agree with this. It's not that I'm not having a good time. I love it here and so far it is the best time of my life. But, I look at it as though if this is the best time of my life, then what am I here for? If I'm coming to college simply expecting to grind out a job for the rest of my life, why don't I skip this part (so that I don't know the joy of it) and begin my work-to-live relationship with McDonalds.

I personally want every year to be better than the last and I'm working hard to make sure that this is the case. I know that I'll be working now, but there is no reason not to make it as fun as possible. Even if you do have a summer job at McDonalds, it might suck one day and be lots of fun the next. But remember, you should own what you do. And by own it, I mean you need to take ownership and be proud of it and do your best. I think that this is very important as we go on in life and I hope that other can see this as well.

I don't mean to sound like some inspirational speaker. But, I think that life would be a lot better if we were a lot more optimistic about our futures. We're not losing our freedom, we're gaining our independence.

Enjoy it!

Friday, May 2, 2008

El Fin

The softball season is now over. The girls played some tough competition and ended the year with two losses. Next year brings promise, if the girls can keep their heads up coming into the next season.

The year is drawing to an end and it's important to keep focused to get your work done and stay on track. These grades do matter. Athletes on campus do a pretty good job of representing themselves but we just have to remind ourselves to keep on it.

In other news... Baseball senior day on Saturday. They play on Butterfield road, show up and support your fellow students!